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Rose Lorane Yoga
Rose Lorane Yoga
Modern Science and Ancient Practice
Reading List
The Yoga Toolbox Kaminoff’s Yoga Anatomy Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras w/commentary by Swatchananda Bagahvad Gita The Yogi Entrepreneur,...
Studies have shown...
Breathwork and meditation can promote calm, focus, improved sleep patterns Exercise and flexibilty are promote health and longevity....
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: Book Notes
I read the version with commentary by Swami Satchidananda. Most of these notes are related to his commentary. From the Introductions:...
The Warrior's Path: Book Notes
Summary I expected this book to address more of the personal aspects of the yamas and niyamas, but rather, it mostly focused on the...
Yoga Anatomy (Leslie Kaminoff): Cpts 1-4 Book Notes
Kaminoff’s Yoga Anatomy discusses anatomical concepts as they apply to asana practice. The first five chapters discuss the mechanism and...
MINDFULNESS: Atención plena para vivir mejor, Book Notes
The book is divided into four sections: I: How do we function? - On facts and interpretations - Autopilot - Depending on the lens... -...
The Fall: Book Notes
The good (a list of my positive take-away messages): I understand the thesis somewhat differently: INSECURITY IS THE SOURCE OF ALL...
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